Wednesday, March 18, 2009

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid"

Did you know that nothing on earth can take away your peace and joy? That’s because it didn’t come from this world, it came from God Almighty. In fact, the only time we can ever lose our peace is when we choose to let go of it and give it away. The next time you’re tempted to get upset and frustrated ask yourself, “Is this worth giving my peace and power away?” Maybe someone was rude to you on the phone, or a co-worker left you out of a meeting, is it worth your peace?

Life is too short to live upset and offended. If you allow your circumstances to control you, there will always be some reason to get discouraged. “Well, Joel. It’s the economy.” “It’s the stock market. That’s why I’m so down.” No, quit giving away your power! God is still on the throne. The economy in heaven is doing just fine, and as long as you’re connected to Him, everything is going to be alright! Decide today to hold on to the gift of peace that God has given you so you can move forward in the victory He has in store for you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

SMP Gratis

Mohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu, Saudara/i, untuk mem-forward informasi berikut jika tidak berkeberatan. Tolong sebarkan informasi berikut :
Jika anda mengenal atau mengetahui ada anak dari golongan miskin atau kurang mampu,dengan syarat-syarat:
1.Lulus SD (berijazah), tetapi tidak dpt melanjutkan ke SMP
2.Umur maksimal 18 thn.
3.Tinggal di Jakarta Selatan.

Bisa menghubungi Ibu Ade, Di Pancoran Timur VIII, No.4B, Jakarta 12770,
Telp.7990412, Hp: 085691500258 untuk selanjutnya disurvei.

Jika tidak ada halangan, tahun ini akan dibuka sekolah rakyat (SMP Terbuka) gratis di Jkt Selatan khusus untuk anak dari golongan tersebut di atas

Informasi selanjutnya:
Ade Andria
Outreach Sampoerna Foundation,
Sampoerna Strategic Square Tower A, 27th floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman.