Sunday, September 30, 2007
Berita Tentang Soeharto.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
03:33:33. . .
Do u ever know, who did accompany you when you are in joy and sorrow?
Do u ever know, where did you go when you were down and out?
Do u ever know, when did you feel the first love?
Do u ever know, how did you help your parent, sisters, brothers and friends?
Do u ever know, to whom you say your enjoyment and sorrowfulness?
These moments happened in my life and i realized it when i saw the moon in the milky way, last night.
There's nothing i can is the only one friend and the night wind covered the whole corridor.
I start to see the darkness in front of my if remembering me to this life when i enter
the night breeze with a light glance and exit the darkness with a bunch of new hope to come.
When i was born, the light is my first sky and the crying is my first jingle.
I born with a little of hope and it growth day by day.........
I born with a glass of happiness and it cultivated by time........
Someday, i will bring this beautiful moments until death do me apart from this globe.
And i will ask your time, friend....
a little time to hear your voice, a little time to hold your hand,
a little time to see your face........a little time to share smile and laughing together.
When you are need some time to be lonely, don't let yourself down and bring you down to tears of surrenderness. Let your time filled with pouring happiness to feel.
To share a sparkling vision that has lend from moment in time.
A glass of warm-tea, a table to dwell our story, a piece of joyful and sorrow to tell........
In the arm of jiffy smile, i place my heart to your highest dream.
Let your happiness be your hand and your heart be your love.
The wind blows and brings all your shadow away from cloudy thought.
The greatest Joy...........................................................Giving
The greatest loss...........................................................Loss of self-respect
The most satisfying work............................................Helping others
The ugliest personality trait.......................................Selfishness
The most endangered species.....................................Dedicated leaders
The greatest "shot in the arm"...................................Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome............................Fear
Most effective sleeping pill..........................................Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease..............................Excuses
The most powerful force in life.....................................Love
The most dangerous pariah.........................................A gossiper
The world's most incredible computer.......................The brain !
The worst thing to be without.....................................Hope
The deadliest weapon.................................................. The tongue
The two most power-filled words................................"I Can"
The greatest asset.........................................................Faith
The most worthless emotion........................................Self-pity
The most prized possession...........................................Integrity
The most beautiful attire...............................................A SMILE!
The most powerful channel of communication...........Prayer
The most contagious spirit............................................Enthusiasm
The most important thing in life...................................GOD
Blessed From God
Beberapa Hal Yang Dapat Mendorongmu Untuk Tetap Bertahan..
Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia...
Tuhan tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha.
Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama terasa pedih...
Tuhan sudah menghitung air matamu.
Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu serasa berlalu begitu saja...
Tuhan sedang menunggu bersama denganmu. Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalus ibuk untuk menelepon.
Tuhan selalu berada disampingmu. Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi...
Tuhan punya jawabannya. Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan...
Tuhan dapat menenangkanmu. Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan...
Tuhan sedang berbisik kepadamu. Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur...
Tuhan telah memberkatimu. Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan ketakjuban...
Tuhan telah tersenyum padamu. Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi...
Tuhan sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu.
Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap...
TUHAN TAHU! bahkan TUHAN tahu kalau kamu terkadang tidak mau tahu.
Mengapa Bangsa China Maju Pesat?
Budaya China dan masyarakatnya, tak pelak, merupakan kisah sukses yang paling terkenal. Maju pesatnya perekonomian China sejak beberapa tahun lalu menunjukkan bahwa “Sang Naga” memang tengah menggeliat, baru bangun dari tidur panjangnya. Sebagaimana diketahui, kini banyak barang produksi China telah merambah Asia, Afrika, dan Amerika Selatan, bahkan memasuki AS dan Eropa, negara yang dikenal paling ketat dalam mengawasi produk-produk luar. Tidak heran, PBB menganggap China sebagai negara yang paling pesat pertumbuhan ekonominya.Sebenarnya, kesuksesan China sudah berlangsung sejak lama. Jauh sebelum abad Masehi, masyarakat purba China sudah mampu menemukan peralatan penting, seperti kompas, kertas, dan kode biner komputer. Para pakar Barat memang mengakui bahwa budaya China tidak tertandingi dalam sejarah umat manusia. Budaya tersebut memiliki banyak sekali rahasia tentang motivasi dan kesuksesan sejak zaman dulu hingga zaman sekarang.Mereka percaya budaya China berlangsung sepanjang masa. Bukti konkretnya adalah manakala peradaban-peradaban kuno lain seperti Sumeria, Babylonia, Mesir, Romawi, dan Yunani timbul tenggelam ditelan waktu, budaya China tetap bertahan terus. Peradaban China dikatakan “memiliki haluan untuk bersemi kembali setelah mengalami kemunduran” (Keajaiban Seni Motivasi Bangsa Cina Kuno, 2007). Konon, ketika para kaisar saling mengalahkan satu sama lain, mereka cenderung merusak budaya dari pihak yang kalah. Namun hal seperti itu justru tidak terjadi ketika Mongol dan Manchu mengalahkan China. Sebagai gantinya, budaya China “memenangkan” mereka. Dalam hal ini, kebudayaan China malah dilestarikan dan dikembangkan.Budaya China bertahan begitu lama karena kuat, praktis, dan penuh kearifan. Apalagi didukung para pemimpin China yang hampir selalu mempelajari jiwa manusia dan menulis beberapa teks kuno, seperti I Ching dan Tung Shu. Dari masa kuno juga terwariskan buku-buku tentang filsafat Tao dan filsafat Sun Tzu yang amat terkenal. Teks-teks kuno itu mampu memberikan wawasan, pedoman, aturan, dan prinsip tentang kesuksesan, pengelolaan usaha, perkawinan, keluarga, pendirian negara, strategi, bahkan perang. Hasil-hasilnya terlihat jelas bahwa rakyat China adalah orang-orang yang luar biasa dalam praktik, mampu beradaptasi, dan selalu sukses hampir di semua perjalanan hidup mereka di seantero dunia. Mereka bukan saja menjadi penguasa perekonomian baru, tetapi juga berjaya di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan olahraga.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Farewell Distraction
Well it's time to say goodbye my friend
I'm glad you stayed until the end
I hope that you've enjoyed the time we spent
Though I know that i'll be back again
I don't know just how soon my friend
Until we meet again, just think of me
I'll think of you
It was easier to say hello Than to say goodbye
Now the bus is leaving once again I bid farewell to you
I remember all the fun we had And all the tears when times were bad
But you were there when we were down and out
And I know that I will not forget What was written and what was said
And who was there when we were not on top Of the world
It was easier...Yes it's time to say auf Wiedersehn Sayonara and ciao my friend
You¹ll always have a place within my heart
And wind will come and wind will go
The scene will change and time will show
But still I hope that you'll be there for me
I'll be there for you ........
The fire is burning.... we lay our weapons down to rest
This war ain't over'till all the people will be free straight from our hearts we cry....
This war has stolen too many lives cause for the sake of freedom we will dieo...
Your songs will carry on...
Oh Lord we try , we try to keep our dream alive and voices will be heard all around the world
keep the dream alive
Our brothers in prison but no crime was ever done I call it racism ashamed...
I face my fellow man the children are taken away and families destroyed and millions have died from starvation.....we can't go on this way
Oh Lord we pray , we pray that may be soon someday the world will smile again and they shall be released
We can't go on this way and we will never give up fighting for freedom
We will keep this dream alive
When the children cry
when the children cry let them know we tried cause when the children sing then the new world begins
little child you must show the way to a better day for all the young ..cause you were born for all the world to see that we all can live with love and peace no more presidents and all the wars will end one united world under god
what "have we" become just look what we have done all that we destroyedy ou must build united world under god
when the children cry let them know we tried when the children fight let them know it ain't right when the children pray let them know the way cause when the children sing then the new world begins
simple life
I will always be there for you
There's nothin I wont do, I promise you , all my life I will live for you , we will make it through Forever , we will be...Together - you and me Oh n when I hold you - nothin can compare
With all of my heart - you know I'll always be - right There
I believe in us - nothin else could ever mean so much
You're the one I trust ... our time has come - we're not two People Now - we are one -
your'e second to none...Forever - we will be ... Together - a family....
The more I get to know ya - nothin can compare
With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be - rightThere
Forever - we will beTogether - just you and me
The more I get to know ya - the more I really care
With all of my heart - ya know I'll always be...Ya know I really love you- nothing can compare For all of my life - you know I'll always be - right There
Tears of laughter
From the laughter of a child to the tears of a grown manThere's a thread that runs right through us all and helps us understandAs subtle as a breeze - that fans a flicker to a flameFrom the very first sweet melody to the very last refrain...
It's the king of all who live and the queen of good heartsIt's the ace you may keep up your sleeve - 'til the name is all but lostAs deep as any sea - with the rage of any stormBut as gentle as a falling leaf on any autumn morn...